All those so-called FREE programs require you to pay them to remove the stuff from your computer. It would be nice to have one that REALLY works, and removes the bad stuff. Allthe FREE ones Ive downloaded, ask me to pay afterwards....
Whats a Good FREE antivirus program that doesnt make you pay to have malicious things removed? Have a website?hijackthis
Whats a Good FREE antivirus program that doesnt make you pay to have malicious things removed? Have a website?malware
The ones you buy work better than the free ones. Purchase an anti virus/spyware CD at your local computer supply store.
avira dont listen to little kids telling
you avg is good.
Ad Aware. it's free and good one to have just type it into google and it'll come up in the search. you can also find it on Lavasoft too
For your anti-virus needs, I would suggest Avira AntiVir庐 PersonalEdition Classic. It has excellent heuristics, a virus detection rate that is better than most "paid-for" anti-virus programs and is light on using your computer's resources. Uses less then 10 MB RAM on my machine. And did I mention that it's free!
Download here:
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