I am looking fro one answer for each. Thanks
What's the best antivirus and best antispam program?ktm
For Anti-Spyware I have found that no one program is the best. I use Microsoft AntiSpyware and Spybot: Search and Destroy. Both have easy interfaces and get the job done.
What's the best antivirus and best antispam program?nortan
norton anti virus and go to spybot.com for spyware its free and works great
I use AVG and Norton Antivirus for viruses and Trojans. For spy ware I use Microsoft AntiSpyware, Spybot: Search and Destroy and Ad-AwareSE.
There is NOT one program for what you are looking for. It is best to have more than one program because one is not enough today to protect your PC from BAD people.
Symantec makes Norton Internet Security 2006. it includes Norton Antivirus/Norton Personal Firewall/Norton Privacy Control/Norton AntiSpam and Norton Parental Control.It was bought for me thru Dell at $49.99..
It is for Windows XPHome/XP Pro/2000 Pro Only. includes Norton Internet Security 2005 for Windows Me %26 98 users.
well for anti spam I think yahoo has a spam filter and if that dosent work you could try setting up and using mozilla thunderbird which has a spam filter.
For virus I dont really know cuz i have a mac but I think northern anti virus works good but I am not that sure. http://www.mozilla.com/thunderbird/
I am using PC-cillin from Trend Micro Inc, so far I have never been infected by a virus or any other malicious program while online. It comes with an antivirus module and anti spam features as well as anti spyware. It's a complete package I think plus it is not that expensive as compared to its competirors... I think the site is www.antivirus.com
Have a virus free day =)
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